Atlanta Workers' Compensation Attorney

Accidentes Laborales (Spanish)

Georgia Personal Injury Attorney Helps Injured Workers Get the Compensation Needed To get Healthy and Back to Work

The number of workplace injuries is on the rise. A troubled economy and an uncertain financial future can often translate to companies cutting corners—and sometimes the result is that workers' safety is devalued. If you have suffered a work-related injury, you are entitled to the best representation possible. At the Hart Law LLC, our attorney's are dedicated to fight tirelessly on behalf of those injured on the job by helping their clients navigate the often tricky labyrinth of workers' compensation claims. They will not give up until you have received the compensation and care you need to get better and get back to work.

If you have already made a workers' compensation claim and find that you aren't being treated with the respect and dignity that you deserve, contacting Georgia Workers' Compensation Lawyer Scott Hart can go a long way toward improving the expediency and efficiency of your dealings with workers' compensation. Whether you have had to deal with being ignored by adjusters, receiving late benefit payments, enduring delays in medical treatment approval, or being challenged by insurance companies, Scott Hart is here to make sure you receive the care you deserve.

Atlanta Area Workers' Compensation Attorney Can Help You

Facing the maze of dealing with insurance companies and workers' compensation doctors on your own can be exhausting, frustrating, and ultimately, fruitless. The paperwork is complicated and tricky; one mistake can cause a denial. Only a skilled Georgia workers' compensation attorney will have the experience to correctly navigate the system so that you can be certain your claim won't be denied.

Attorney Hart knows that immediate action is necessary to ensure that your claim will be properly attended to and filed in the correct manner. He works with you to help you understand your rights and what workers' compensation benefits are available to you, advising you so that you don't have to face the process alone.

Take the immediate action necessary today

Atlanta, Georgia Workers' Compensation Lawyer Scott Hart knows that suffering a workplace injury is a stressful experience, full of uncertainty and worries. You may wonder if you will be able to pay your bills, or whether you will ever be able to go back to work. Contact Metro Atlanta and South Georgia workers' compensation lawyer, Scott Hart, to achieve peace of mind. Call the Hart Law LLC today at its Atlanta office at 404-355-3620 today to discuss your claim.

Diligence in Preparation and Advocacy, Every Step of the Way

We will strive to fully understand your situation, investigate as necessary and pursue all available sources of compensation for your medical expenses, lost wages and other damages. Our approach is to prepare your workers' compensation claim and/or personal injury case thoroughly and track it with vigilance, keeping you informed and in control.

Call for your free consultation now if you have been hurt and want honest, determined legal counsel. Our main office is easy to find off either I-85 or I-75, and Mr. Hart travels throughout Georgia as necessary to serve our clients. If we are able to take your case, you will owe no attorney fees until we obtain compensation for you via settlement or at trial.

Hart Law LLC


3740 Davinci Court
Suite 300
Peachtree Corners
Georgia 30092
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Tel: 404-355-3620
Fax: 404-355-3685

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